aniMotum, an R package for animal movement data: Rapid quality control, behavioural estimation and simulation
ID Jonsen, WJ Grecian, L Phillips, G Carroll, C McMahon, RG Harcourt, …
Methods in Ecology and Evolution
Global assessment of marine plastic exposure risk for oceanic birds
BL Clark, APB Carneiro, EJ Pearmain, MM Rouyer, TA Clay, W Cowger, …
Nature communications
A vision for incorporating human mobility in the study of human–wildlife interactions
D Ellis-Soto, RY Oliver, V Brum-Bastos, U Demšar, B Jesmer, JA Long, …
Nature Ecology & Evolution
Species distribution models describe spatial variability in mesopelagic fish abundance in the Southern Ocean
BL Woods, AP Van de Putte, MA Hindell, B Raymond, RA Saunders, …
Frontiers in Marine Science
Southern Ocean pinnipeds provide bathymetric insights on the East Antarctic continental shelf
CR Mcmahon, MA Hindell, JB Charrassin, R Coleman, C Guinet, …
Communications Earth & Environment
Assessing the viability of estimating baleen whale abundance from tourist vessels
AF Henderson, MA Hindell, S Wotherspoon, M Biuw, MA Lea, N Kelly, …
Frontiers in Marine Science
Tracking the foraging migrations of Marion Island southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) during their first year of life
T McIntyre, WC Oosthuizen, MN Bester, MA Hindell, RR Reisinger, …
Marine Mammal Science
Incorporating mesopelagic fish into the evaluation of marine protected areas under climate change scenarios
S Liu, Y Liu, K Teschke, MA Hindell, R Downey, B Woods, B Kang, S Ma, …
Marine Life Science & Technology
Body condition and corticosterone stress response, as markers to investigate effects of human activities on Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae)
C Marciau, T Raclot, S Bestley, C Barbraud, K Delord, MA Hindell, A Kato, …
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
Environmental drivers of growth and oxidative status during early life in a long-lived Antarctic seabird, the Adélie penguin
C Marciau, D Costantini, S Bestley, O Hicks, MA Hindell, A Kato, T Raclot, …
Physiological and Biochemical Zoology
Extreme polygyny results in intersex differences in age-dependent survival of a highly dimorphic marine mammal
S Volzke, JB Cleeland, MA Hindell, SP Corney, SJ Wotherspoon, …
Royal Society Open Science
Long-term stability in the circumpolar foraging range of a Southern Ocean predator between the eras of whaling and rapid climate change
S Derville, LG Torres, SD Newsome, CJ Somes, LO Valenzuela, …
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Modelled prey fields predict marine predator foraging success
DB Green, S Bestley, SP Corney, R Trebilco, AB Makhado, P Lehodey, …
Ecological Indicators
Potential for redistribution of post‐moult habitat for Eudyptes penguins in the Southern Ocean under future climate conditions
CP Green, DB Green, N Ratcliffe, D Thompson, MA Lea, AMM Baylis, …
Global Change Biology
Swimming with the current improves juvenile survival in southern elephant seals
D Foo, CR McMahon, MA Hindell, M Fedak, M Biuw, B McConnell, …
The benthic‐pelagic continuum: Age class and sex differences in the use of the vertical dimension by a rare pinniped
MA Lea, LW Tainsh, R Mattlin, L Torres, K Vinette Herrin, DR Thompson, …
Ecology and Evolution
Oceanic regime shift to a warmer continental shelf adjacent to the Shackleton Ice Shelf, East Antarctica
N Ribeiro, L Herraiz‐Borreguero, SR Rintoul, G Williams, CR Mcmahon, …
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans
Long-term decline in body condition of female Australian fur seals: potential causes and implications
JJ Geeson, MA Hindell, AJ Hobday, CN Speakman, JPY Arnould
Frontiers in Marine Science
Incorporating mesopelagic fish into the evaluation of conservation areas for marine living resources under climate change scenarios
S Liu, Y Liu, K Teschke, MA Hindell, R Downey, B Woods, B Kang, S Ma, …
Marine Life Science & Technology
First description of in situ chlorophyll fluorescence signal within East Antarctic coastal polynyas during fall and winter
L Bourreau, E Pauthenet, L Le Ster, B Picard, E Portela, JB Sallée, …
Frontiers in Marine Science
Climate change impacts on seabirds and marine mammals: The importance of study duration, thermal tolerance and generation time
F Orgeret, A Thiebault, KM Kovacs, C Lydersen, MA Hindell, …
Ecology Letters
Myctobase, a circumpolar database of mesopelagic fishes for new insights into deep pelagic prey fields
B Woods, R Trebilco, A Walters, M Hindell, G Duhamel, H Flores, …
Scientific Data
Habitat model forecasts suggest potential redistribution of marine predators in the southern Indian Ocean
RR Reisinger, S Corney, B Raymond, AT Lombard, MN Bester, …
Diversity and Distributions
Controls on dense shelf water formation in four East Antarctic polynyas
E Portela, SR Rintoul, L Herraiz‐Borreguero, F Roquet, S Bestley, …
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans
Elephant seal foraging success is enhanced in Antarctic coastal polynyas
F Arce, MA Hindell, CR McMahon, SJ Wotherspoon, C Guinet, …
Proceedings of the Royal Society B
Assessment of Australian sea lion bycatch mortality in a gillnet fishery, and implementation and evaluation of an effective mitigation strategy
SD Goldsworthy, B Page, DJ Hamer, AD Lowther, PD Shaughnessy, …
Frontiers in Marine Science
The role of allochrony in influencing interspecific differences in foraging distribution during the non-breeding season between two congeneric crested penguin species
CP Green, N Ratcliffe, T Mattern, D Thompson, MA Lea, S Wotherspoon, …
Plos one
Predator-derived bioregions in the Southern Ocean: Characteristics, drivers and representation in marine protected areas
RR Reisinger, CM Brooks, B Raymond, JJ Freer, C Cotté, JC Xavier, …
Biological Conservation
Trophic structure of Southern Ocean squid: A cross-basin analysis of stable isotopes in archived beaks from predator stomachs
BL Woods, A Walters, M Hindell, AT Revill, I Field, SA McCormack, …
Marine Ecology Progress Series
Sex, body size, and boldness shape the seasonal foraging habitat selection in southern elephant seals
H Allegue, C Guinet, SC Patrick, MA Hindell, CR McMahon, D Réale
Ecology and Evolution